August 23, 2013


When did English become Language Arts?  When using acronyms and creating a new language is in process shouldn't we know what we once spoke - knowing I'm in the last generation that knows how to write with a pen and paper its all so overwhelming).  I understand in another life I would have spoken Latin, Spanish, French maybe.  English - the scientific language.  Is that why Dr. Who speaks English?  Not only so that we understand it, but English has been long ago established of the language of scientists and what is God but the ultimate scientist.  Only he has the formula to the entire universe.

Funny when you take it that far so quickly.  Sad when the talent of writing it by hand is losing its popularity.  What would happen if computers ever stopped.  Or is the sci-fi theory that computer programming is getting to the point where self-updating data will become so common computers will themselves grow or breed like a worm.  I don't know if I trust something that has to have sex with itself to produce offspring.  Masturbation is nice and everything, but really???  Yeah - those episodes scared me.

I have complied and gotten so disgusted I can no longer hear the fast spoken, ultra pointed, super edited news.  If someone hasn't died or been murdered then a kid is shooting a school.  Whatever happened to  going to the arcade or learning how to do a dangerous sport as a teenager - now kids kill themseves and may take the world with them!  And what is it about psychos just choosing a school zone to shoot up.  I mean hell, if one is going to go on a rampage, why don't you blow up where they store the mortgage and credit records, not kids.  I'm sure Master Card and Visa are insured... I mean, what was the ultimate message of 'Fight Club'?  And if you had read the book you would know Marla had the scar, too.  Equals in attempting to defeat this world one small guys battle at a time because that we are when we choose to include our partner.

Speaking English to a partner... whew!  One would think I speak Martian.   I tell him in English 'NO' all the time and he is like the puppy dog that could, he just keeps pissing on the hallway carpet.  I love him though.  Haven't told him yet.  I don't know which language to use.  He's a decade older than I and he speaks Text better than I do!  How frustrating do you think that is when I have to look up my hunny's acronyms!  UGH!  And even harder than that - getting people to set up a time is getting harder and harder as if having a schedule were a trend or rather it is a trend not to have a schedule maybe?  It might be some yoga thing I'm missing like less is more because I have to do the DVD's now that I've update all but one of the VHS tapes that still work.  I even have a copy of Richard Simmons burried deep that I only bring out when things are dangerously... overdue.  Kinda like when you have to trim a little before you wax... yeah.   Fun.

So now that I am back to speaking Ellira no one will understand this conversation so I am off to bed, sweet hearts.  Wow I wonder if that as 140 characters?  If so, My hunny is in SOOOOOO much trouble. 

August 12, 2013

In the Drink by John Hennessy : Poetry Magazine

In the Drink by John Hennessy : Poetry Magazine

I read this and wow! I was in New Orleans hearing Coltrane wading in the bayou watching these magnificent animals hurry about me!  I love it!

August 08, 2013

Where Have You Been? (Rev. 1)

Lover, Ive waited while riding time like a bull, kicking and screaming
Not knowing what was lost, Asking the powers of the universe for answers to my questions
After a brief quest, Like a knight to the crusade, I searched and charged and now I see you.
You, lover, what took you so long?  A Milky Stalion waiting amongst the flowers through a mist like a dream.  You are beautiful as you gaze upon me with soft, gentle eyes.
Your gaze is so adoring I must pet you.  I must feel you nuzzle against me.
The time came and went and is now forgotten... It seemed that it went on and on
I embraced its lumps and bumps, rode the waves of life alone.
Longing for that sweet embrace, exhaling all of my sorrows into the night air
All the while inhaling your masculine beauty and feeling safe, complete, content.
Your kisses ever lingering as the night cape meets the dawn's veil,
Your arms sheltered me for a night, I crave more
Your body wrapped like a cocoon around me, I need more
The beat of your heart counting the timing of our movements against eac other,
but a new discovery, an unchartered map have I found in this light, this love.
If it is found then fulfilled with loving grace, it must nourish the creation of beauty and things to grow
A talent for which appears to be hidden, I don't even think you really know 
That your love is like a raindrop on a petal, a missing piece, a lifetime of wonder dissolved.